October 18, 2024

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Survey – Impact of Kemi


The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) has been supporting several African countries through their Global Programme in chemicals management. Under this programme KemI is collaborating with a range of partners including the Africa Institute, FAO, UNEP, and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the University of Cape Town, and the BRS Secretariat.

You have been selected to take part in this survey because you participated in one or more of the following events:

  • Mass Media Workshop (September 2017)
  • Enforcement MEA Workshop (March 2017, Nairobi)
  • Globally Harmonised System Workshop (October 2016, Lusaka)
  • Guidance Document Workshop (November 2015, Pretoria)
  • African Regional Workshop (October 2016, Cape Town)
  • Workshop on Building Regional Collaboration in SADC (October 2017, Johannesburg)
  • Workshop on risk reduction of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (April 2016, Johannesburg)
  • SAPReF Strategic Planning Workshop (July 2015, Harare)

Your participation in this survey is important and highly appreciated. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to fill in. All questions will be handled confidentially.

Pleases tick or circle and write the number of the appropriate response on the LEFT of the response

Please complete the survey by 31 September 2018. If you have any question, please contact Dr Koebu Khalema  at kkhalema@environment.gov.za

Geography, Gender, Organisation and Role
What country are you from?
What gender do you identify with?
Please enter the name of the organisation you were working for:
Where is the organisation based?
Please enter your role or position in the organisation you were working for (e.g. District Environmental Health Officer):
Do you currently work for the same organisation you were working for when you attended the workshop(s)?
Please enter the name of the organisation you are currently working for:
Where is the organisation based?
Please enter your role or position in the organisation you are currently working for (e.g. District Environmental Health Officer):
Workshop(s) Attended
Please Specify
Workshop Content - Africa Institute Workshop(s)
How useful did you find the different sessions of the workshop?
Very UsefulUsefulSlightly UsefulNot UsefulNot Applicable
Introductory session, e.g. definitions, trends, context
Technical session(s)
Practical knowledge,
Methodology session(s), e.g. methodology for chemicals enforcement
Group breakout sessions
Learning from Africa Institute and KemI
Exchanges with colleagues from other countries and networking
The disseminated material (e.g. guidance documents)
Please feel free to elaborate:
0 /
As a result of the workshop, I improved in the following areas:
Very UsefulUsefulSlightly UsefulNot UsefulNot Applicable
Practical skills (e.g. tools, processes)
Understanding of guidance documents (e.g. LIRA guidance)
Gender awareness in relation to the Sound Management of Chemicals
Human rights in relation to the Sound Management of Chemicals
Knowledge of chemical management in other countries
Devising a step by step strategy/roadmap for my country or organisation
0 /
Did you attend any other workshops?
Please feel free to elaborate:
0 /
Effects of the workshop(s)
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
I agree very muchI agree somewhatI agree to a small extentI do not agree
I am actively engaged in the field of chemical risk management since attending the workshop(s).
I apply the skills I received during the workshop(s) regularly in my work.
I have brought new ways of thinking to my workplace since I returned from the workshop(s).
My institution values the knowledge and skills I received during the workshop(s).
Nothing has changed in the overall.
Please feel free to elaborate:
0 /
The knowledge and skills I learned during the workshop(s) were:Check all that apply
Shared Knowledge
How have you shared the skills and knowledge you gained from attending the workshop(s)?Check all that apply
Do you keep in touch with any of the participants from other countries that you met during the workshop(s)?
Please Specify
0 /
What do you consider the three most important challenges facing your organisation and your country in relation to chemical risk management?
Challenge 1
0 /
Challenge 2
0 /
Challenge 3
0 /
In what ways did your participation to the workshop(s) contribute to strengthening the capacity of your organisation (or your country's institutions) to address these challenges?
0 /
Change Efforts
After returning home from the workshop(s), have you experienced successes and/or challenges in trying to affect chemical risk management, which you would be willing to share with one of the evaluators?
Contact Information

Please provide your name and contact email, phone number and/or skypeaddress below so that we may contact you about your experience of affectingchange in your country. (This information will be handled confidentially)

Skype Address
Phone Number
Please suggest how you think KEMI and Africa Institute could assist your country or organization in ESM of chemicals.
0 /
Thank You
You have completed the survey. Thank you for your valuable input! The outcome of this survey will be shared on this same platform once analysis is completed.
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