January 23, 2025

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Footprint & Milestones

Milestones and Foot-Print of Africa Institute
Since the New Inception of the Institute, a number of partnerships have been forged successfully and cooperation started working with:

  • Government of Denmark
  • Government of Sweden, through The Swedish Chemical Agency(KemI)
  • Government of Finland, through MFA and with Finnish Environment Authority (SYKE)
  • Relevant United Nations Agencies, such as UNEP, UNIDO, UNITAR

These Institutions provide much needed Financial and technical support to the Institute, and allowed it to mount the critical skills, through current professional staff of the Institute. It was through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland that three professional staff members were employed; these are highly qualified personnel with Masters and Ph.D. qualifications in Chemistry, Environmental Management and Ecology.

The Institute has implemented and executed several projects running in most ratified and non-ratified member countries. The following projects have been successfully completed:
